Your one-stop solution to redefining your job search, maximizing outcomes, and commanding your worth in the marketplace, with an average job search time of 53 days.

About this program: 10 services, 8 hours to be invested over 4 weeks, and unlimited free support till you sign your next offer!A one-of-a-kind program in the market with your progress at the heart of it.

MMP is a comprehensive program designed to fast-track your job search and improve the quality of job offers you get.Inclusions: 10 services with validity till you sign your next offerResume Review: A complete analysis of your resume
LinkedIn review: A detailed analysis of your LinkedIn profile
Resume Writing: A Resume that is as unique as your fingerprint and speaks of your work & USP, made by Ms.Nidhi Chauhan who is in the top 1% of resume writers globally.
LinkedIn makeover: A LinkedIn profile that is your landing page for the world to understand your excellence.
Job search strategy call: to fire all cylinders for your job search and help you stand out.
LinkedIn strategy call: from Ms.Nidhi who is a LinkedIn Top Voice (blue badge) and learn what you need to do to stand out.
Behavioral interview training: to create the right strategy and answers so you can command your worth.
5 mock interviews: So you put only your best foot forward in interviews.
Negotiation strategies
Multiple reviews & customization support
Continued support over Whatsapp, emails and calls till you sign your next offer: ZERO additional charges!


FEE: INR 45,000/-_ for services that will cost from INR 78-90k when taken individually (ref to pricing sheet)
Payment modes: UPI, Credit/Debit Cards


  • 1. I want to pay but in parts: The program has a one time sign up fee, you can pay using credit card as well and EMI option is currently available for payment in 2 installments. Payment modes like UPI, Credit cards, Debit cards and Paylater accounts are accepted.

  • 2. I am a busy professional. How much of my time will be needed?: We have min. 8h of LIVE sessions over 4 weeks and one information garnering call. A total of 8h for the sessions, and 4h/week in high ROI activities that we discuss. You have to be willing to put in the effort as results won't magically appear. We work as a team to get you there faster.

  • 3. Will I have to write my resume & Linkedin profile?: Your resume and LinkedIn profile are a part of the Done For You service segment. You will only be sharing information and Ms.Nidhi will create the tools for you.

  • 4. I want to spend time picking my target roles and companies before joining: No need, this is included in the first module of my program.

  • 5.I want someone to apply for me:I am not the right coach for you.

  • 6. Is there a job guarantee?: I do not make guarantees,in fact, anyone who does is lying because job search is also about a lot of other factors. I can guarantee that the support from this program goes on till you lock in your next offer.

  • 7. What is the average time to interviews and offers?: Great question, avg. time to interviews is 23 days and to offer is 53 days.

  • 8. I want to talk to you before making the payment.: Sure, please drop a text on +91 8978 46 5910 and I will be happy to connect.